Barbie Dolls

The glam and the high life gets  in their heads.

Perfection in the tabloids poeple have read.

Fatty wants to be skinny.

Flipping through glossy magazines makes her happy.

Purging whats left in her tummy will make her look pretty.

Images of perfection are like barbie dolls.

With 5 inch heels to stand so tall.

Standing with their Ken with shimmering white teeth.

Press commenting on how glamorous their ride looks on the street.

Somehow the glam life got to her head and wanted to look like barbie.

But she doesn`t know that barbie had plastic surgery.

So she begins to purge out her dinner.

Because she wanted to look thinner.

In the distance; the sirens become louder.

In the end, the glam life becomes the winner.

The Great Almighty Queen of Evil

Come one, come all to witness.
The one person who is viscious.
Hidden in the trees and the bushes.
Beware of her evil ways.
Her fakeness fades.
In the mist of it all; she had done wrong.
But no one could see the shadows of her minions.
They are blinded by her mischevious plans.
To conquer the wealth and conquer all its lands.
Call her the wicked witch of the west if you please.
In the end of the day she wil have her on your knees to plead.
Thinking she is high and mighty with what so little she had done.
I’m in this hell state wishing she is gone.
To the heavens above who have all the answers to last a lifetime.
Can you release us from this viscious crime.
The criminal lurks around with teeth made out of metal.
She washes her throat down with the liquid made of rust.
Death seized her victims was fatal.
To run away and flee; she was capable.
The sadness in her victims eyes she was gleeful.
Knowing her victims will die within seconds.
Her mind was full of anger.
Her heart was made out of the stones within this castle walls.
She stands with her lover so tall.
Looking upon the victim’s families she had killed.
Stone cold killer with a head so high.
People who dared to try wouldn’t cross the line.

There is a line of righteousness and wrongful doings.
In her mind she was doing nothing.
But in. her vision she could see the power within these piles and piles of bodies she had tormented.
She stares in the mirror and sees a queen.
Please take off the mask and reveal the unseen.
It will reveal the eyes of black.
It will reveal the bloody hands that rest on her silky white gown.
It will reveal the true fact.
It will unravel the bodies that will be quickly found.
In the cells of hell.
Below a hole their deadly bodies had fell.
She will soon pay the price.
And have no one stay by her side.
She will die of a slow agonizing pain of solitude.
She will be known as the evil that had onced ruled.