Sky High

Miles and miles away.
Far across the distant rain.
Where the animals are left to stray.
There these men came.
Marched in their black steeled boots.
Families taken back; afraid these men will shoot.
They took an old man against his will.
And tied him to the ground.
There was no sound… Just silence from the crowd.
The old man was still ill.
Still they use force to get what they want.
Emotions sky high.
From what these men did in their land that lies.

The Property of ISIS

The Property of Isis


Young girl with a family in peace.

Living with a father that teach.

And a mother so sweet.

15 years of age.

Happiness was what she gave.

Her knowledge about the world blooms like a lavender flower in a bright spring day.

In her neighborhood children playing with each other in the sandy grounds of Iraq.

Grandparents sharing stories about the past.

Parents always make funny jokes for the young adults to listen and laugh.

Until one day, the rebels came in a pack.

Hurriedly pushing through her father’s wooden gates like the gates were made out of rust.

They were coming for her father, that she knew.

Adults running with their children in their arms; the fear grew.

Rebels taking them out one by one was a must.


As they were finished with the others; God rest their kind souls.

It was her father’s turn to receive the blow.

He took one look at his only child.

Prayed for the gods to help her future endeavors for a while.

Tears roll down her cheeks as she grips the stone cold wall.

The evil men kicked his back legs and he began to fall.

To his knees he went; he will be shot in a sec.

Gun pointing to his head.

The islamic rights they had read.

PLOW! The sound meant death.

He was gone forever.

And she is now left with no father.


As she thought the violence was over.

They called in more men to torture.

Took out the girls one by one.

Ordered them to be as sex slaves; that left her completely stunned.

Scared for her life as she followed.

Looked at the men with stone cold hearts with guns.

Imagining what their parents think of their crimes.

After their kill; time after time.

As a sex slave.

She knew that life would not be the same.


Years goes by and she is now 18 years of age.

Passed around like bread on a dinner table; she was still a sex slave.

The emotions were running sky high.

Day after day; grown desperate men wanted a piece of her thigh.

For she is meat in their vision.

Spit on by men who greeds sexual pleasures.

Buying them off from a group called ISIS; the high all mighty power.

She was raped till her tissues ripped away from her skin.

Never once will she ever get her pride again.

As she hears the bidding going on in the background.

She hopes that justice for all women will be found.


This girl had “the property of isis” tattooed beneath her vulnerable skin.

The power over these girls shows they will win.
Whatever they can do to prove they are better.

They turned innocent women into beggars.

Not begging for money from their big eyes.

But begging for the light of hope to survive.

Everybody needs a helping hand.

Someone who can really understand.

So take this time to pray for justice.

And bring down ISIS who had caused this evil destruction.

Suffrage of Camp 14


No hail to the prisoner’s son who was born.

Pushed out of his mother’s loin.

With no life to look forward to.

Gray clouds hover above the young child.

The grayness was not from the clouds that formed.

But from the evil with bullets with eyes so torn.

Parents were forced to work.


They had cornmeal and a single fork.

Not enough for the baby’s mouth; his mother had to find food in the bush.

Crushed by the findings of nothing.

The mother had no choice but to leave the baby starving.


Camp 14 was surrounded by the linings of electrical fenced wires.

To the people who dare to flee, one shock and death will come instantly.

They were burned through their skin by fire.

Try to run and you will run endlessly.

No knowledge of the world.

Just punishment that were so bold.

North Korean men hurting their own men.

Men in pride lined up in ten.

Ready to shoot whoever they want.

Like animals in the wild; the prisoners never fought.

Fear was the only thing that they thought.

Breadcrumbs they pick up to put in their mouths to survive.

Looking around for men with big fat knives.

For that signals the cruel dark punishment.

Men and women with pale faces had to stare at the face of death.

Never knew about the world that was around of them.

Never had hope about escaping for freedom.

They had a rulebook to follow.

They had to follow unless their own blood will be forced down their deceased throat.

The perpetrators will have the guns ready to load


Survivors will survive if they have the fight.

People dream if they have the mindset to dream.

The tunnel of hope will light up if the time is right.

The brains to be smart is still intact in their heads.

It needs energy of nutritional goods to be activated.

Not the foods with maggots.

Not from the emotional punishments thrown to their innocent minds.

Please give them a sign.

To the god from above who has all the answers.

To all the politicians who are willing to help the poors who keep getting poorer.

Can you first help the ones who are getting tortured?

From the suffrage of camp 14?

Please a take a moment to take off the blindfold that had blinded your eyes from the unseen.




People racing for safety…
Relying on their faith lately…
Men in mask walked towards them…
No knowledge; innocent people shutter in fear…
In their eyes these people will kill….
The emotions and the building filled…
These violent men held piles and piles of grenades in their hands…
Help was sent…
Children held their mother’s arms in confusion…
The bombs are set in the background; destruction…
Terroist was their label…
Mad at the world…
No remorse for what they will cause…
Just victory on their part…
Streets lined up with cops…
Uh Oh! They just got caught…
But their souls are full of rage; blinded them from guilt; there’s no way they can stop…
The consequences will mean pride…
Even if it means they will risk their lives…
Insanity took over their bodies…
At that point they will shoot anybody…
That gets in their way…
And that these civilians will pay on this day…

The bomb counted down…
The ticking made the victims jump from the sound…
Victims hear sirens; yes! It is them that the cops have found…
The loud intercom went out to the terrorist saying they will compromise…
They knew it was all lies…
Countdown went to ten…
Ten seconds everybody will be dead…
“Their lives will end shortly; we don’t take deals”…
The terrorist explained their appeals..

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1; there was no boom…
Everybody remained still in the room…
“For the bomb squad already designated the bomb”…
Said the voice through the intercom…
The terrorist lift up their faces in shock…
To see the bomb squad terminate their plan…
But they still kept their stance…
With machine guns in their hands…
50 of the swat team’s weapons had 50 red laser dots aimed at their chest…
They should surrender; that was the best…
But they put their guns to their heads…
And the islamic rights; they had read…
The bomb squad ordered them to put their weapons down..
And drop to the ground…
POW! They had fell to ground without a sound…
Innocence was astonished…
To see such violence…

Violence is a shame…
Killing will bring physical and emotional pain…
They do what they do for the power they will later gain…
Lets stop the violence now…
Lets make this important vow…
To ourselves and our children…
So they could have peaceful rememberance…
Than be dead in the present…