Follow My Vocal Media Profile!

Hello my lovely readers! I will be writing on vocal media now! I have advice columns and many more poems to share on my Vocal Media page!! Come take a look!

A Woman’s Pride

Make up your mind and follow.

Patch up the wound and let the memory of him flow.

Out of your head and into the wind.

Let the memory flow swiftly through the forest which echoes.

Find happiness through the branches which grows.

Strong woman you are; never let a man say that you aren’t.

The whole world will know your beauty one day.

Don’t let his sinful mouth bring you down.

You will be defeated and he will wear his crown.

Beat the highest mountain you can find and fly.

Away from the misery which was kept behind these thick walls.

Leaves you shameless and defeated.

It wasn’t you that needed; it’s him that needed.

Last time you pleaded.

You apologize for the times he had treated.

You badly and still you were addicted to staying.

What I am saying is…

Follow your brain as well as your heart.

Or your pride will fall apart.

Labeled Abusers

He took her breath away with one little song.
He compelled her to love his beautiful written song.
Taking her hand in a moonlight dance.
Making her feel like she was staring out of Mt. Everest in one single glance.
Her feelings for him became love at first sight.
As he took her home to end the night.

Years go by and the honeymoon phase became deadly.
All of a sudden their relationship became unsteady.
Her hands were covered over her ears as he was yelling.
Couldn`t hear a word he was saying.
Crying these sad sobs and wondered what she did wrong.
To make the love of her life scream this vicious song.
He feels he is in control.
As he slaps her on the cheeks; her heart took it`s toll.

The first phase of the beating was over.
To know he had more control over her.
The anger shot up to a stifling degree.
She bends down to her knees to plead.
He sees her helpless and it makes him feel like a king.
As he kicked her in the stomach, he had felt he had everything.
Sickening mind he possessed as he sees heaving through his chest.
He sees his girl laying down helpless.
He holds her in his arms of rage in the darkness.
Please help her get out of his arms of evilness.

Months go by and she can`t help but think.
Can she get out of here before she will be under God`s wings.
She looks through the mirror which sits still in the bathroom.
And she could still see bruises on her face of beauty.
Her face never glowed once and she knew this was a sad reality.
She packs her bags and leaves a man who is labeled an abuser.
She runs directly to the cops; so what if he labels her an accuser.
He will be forever labeled an abuser as the cops lock him away as a prisoner.
Justice will be served on platter labeled abuser.

Barbie Dolls

The glam and the high life gets  in their heads.

Perfection in the tabloids poeple have read.

Fatty wants to be skinny.

Flipping through glossy magazines makes her happy.

Purging whats left in her tummy will make her look pretty.

Images of perfection are like barbie dolls.

With 5 inch heels to stand so tall.

Standing with their Ken with shimmering white teeth.

Press commenting on how glamorous their ride looks on the street.

Somehow the glam life got to her head and wanted to look like barbie.

But she doesn`t know that barbie had plastic surgery.

So she begins to purge out her dinner.

Because she wanted to look thinner.

In the distance; the sirens become louder.

In the end, the glam life becomes the winner.