Barbie Dolls

The glam and the high life gets  in their heads.

Perfection in the tabloids poeple have read.

Fatty wants to be skinny.

Flipping through glossy magazines makes her happy.

Purging whats left in her tummy will make her look pretty.

Images of perfection are like barbie dolls.

With 5 inch heels to stand so tall.

Standing with their Ken with shimmering white teeth.

Press commenting on how glamorous their ride looks on the street.

Somehow the glam life got to her head and wanted to look like barbie.

But she doesn`t know that barbie had plastic surgery.

So she begins to purge out her dinner.

Because she wanted to look thinner.

In the distance; the sirens become louder.

In the end, the glam life becomes the winner.

The Future


The future is going to be a bittersweet moment I will be devouring.
It’s time to climb the highest tower.
To complete my ultimate desires.
To recover from the past.
To have a present that had dashed.
The future is in my hands.
Open up the envelope that reveals my fate.
Reveal the future that I will taste.
Oh! How I wanted to taste this good fate for so long.
It tingles with sweetness and glistens with happiness in the mouth which I am allowed to speak.
The feet that was provided for me to climb the highest peak.
The hands had been flourished from the chances I didn’t seek.
The future I hold in the hands that are now flourished.
Will allow me to get away from the emotional damage.
Past and present is an obstacle for the future.
A future that I know is coming for sure.
Untie these hands of mine and let it wander on this blank paper.
This paper will make my future happier.
The words will speak in a friendly voice.
To the public who is hoping for a choice.
I will carefully stroke my future with gentle and careful thoughts
No matter how much pain it will cost.
No matter how many friends will be lost.
The future is here to stay.
The past will be left in the back of my mind to decay.

Forget All About it

Shake off that chip on that shoulder that was once there.
Shake it off like you dont care.
The comments on the internet.
It is so mean that you cannot bare to see it; please forget about it.
Look up to the morning sun and feel the light that makes you alive.
People from the world of hatred burns you to the ground.
You leave your smile without a sound.
With dreams of being an artist.
Drawing on your walls is the only way you can go through all of this hardship.
The society you think is so cruel.
Gives the people the right to access technology that makes you so uncool.
Abandoned by friends due to the term cyberbulling.
Every word is like a boxer was punching.
Punching the face of beauty.
Punching the heart that gives love.
All eyes stare straight towards you on the computer screen with those jealous eyes.
Just cause boys of intelligence wants a piece of your pie.
Forget all about young beauty.
Do not end your life so soon.
Your paintings will one day shine brightly.
Label your painting a masterpiece in a New York gallery.
Don’t let those comments lead your mind to be of the loon.